How can I integrate aiaibot into a Wix page?

Integrating an aiaibot chatbot into Wix takes just a few clicks. You log into your Wix account and go to the settings in the administration bar.


In the settings list, you then search for «Advanced Settings». There you will find the «Analytics» tool.


Click on it and add a new tool (top right).


Simply select «Custom» as the description of the new tool.


Once this is done, a window opens in which you can insert the aiaibot code snippet. Once you have integrated the aiaibot code snippet, you are only a few steps away from having your own chatbot. Now give the just-created «Custom» tool an appropriate name and ensure that you insert your code snippet into the body end and that you load the code only once per session.


Last but not least, it is important that you apply (i.e. save) the input and enter the correct domain in your aiaibot workspace.

Once you’ve completed all of these points, your chatbot should appear on your Wix website as soon as you have activated it in your aiaibot workspace.

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