
By using so-called modifiers, you can set an individual display duration in the text widget and additionally set up the focus mode in the media widget. There are also modifiers for the carousel-widget.

To define a modifier, open the overview of your desired text, media or carousel widget and click the Bildschirmfoto_2021-04-29_um_12.26.32.pngicon at the top right of the widget's gray bar. After that, a new overview opens where you can select the desired modifier via drop-down menu. After that click onBildschirmfoto_2021-04-29_um_12.29.26.png. Depending on which modifier you choose, a different field will appear.


Once a session (text and media widget)

You can use the «Once a session» modifier to specify that a text or media bubble is displayed only once in a session. This makes sense for a greeting, for example, since in most cases it is sufficient to greet the website visitors only once. Another use case can be a privacy notice, which should often be displayed only once in the dialog and then confirmed by the user.

To do this, select the desired text- or media element and open the modifier settings. There, select the «Once a session» option and «Add».

Click Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_08.03.38.pngand then click Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_08.05.07.pngto finish configuring the modifier. If you have added the focus modifier to a media widget, a corresponding note will appear below the widget.




Focus (media widget)

Important: In order for media to be displayed correctly in focus mode and not cut off at the edges, it must have a specific aspect ratio of 95 : 143.  

The focus mode allows you to display media over the entire chat window. You can specify in the settings that users can close the window in focus mode themselves or that user interaction is required for the dialog to continue. If you leave both options disabled, the media you display will automatically be shown for a short time in focus mode, closed again and the dialog will continue without user interaction.



Under Background Style you can set if you want the image to fit in the chatbot window or in its original size for the fullscreen-mode. More about the fullscreen-mode you find in the chatbot-styler.

Click on Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_08.03.38.png and after that on Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_08.05.07.png to finally configure the modifier. If you have added the focus modifier to a media widget, a corresponding note appears below the widget.



Individual display duration (text and media widget)

This modifier lets you specify how long a text or media bubble should be displayed before the next element in the dialog is loaded. To do this, open the modifier settings and select the «Individual display duration» option. After that you can enter the number of seconds the chat element should be displayed.


Click on Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-25_um_10.31.25.png and after that on Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_08.05.07.png to finally configure the modifier. If you have added the modifier for individual display duration to a widget, a corresponding note appears below the widget.



Auto-play, image and circle mode (carousel widget)

There are three modifiers available in the carousel widget. To define a modifier, open the overview of your desired media widget and click the Bildschirmfoto_2021-04-29_um_12.26.32.png icon at the top right of the gray bar.Es stehen Ihnen im Karussell-Widget drei Modifier zur Verfügung. 


  1. Image mode: The image mode displays only the images in the carousel, without title or description. You can still link the images.
  2. Circle mode: If you activate the circle mode, the first element is displayed again after the last one. The elements are thus arranged in a circle.
  3. Auto-play: Auto-play automatically displays the next element in the chat after a time defined by you.

Click on Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-25_um_10.31.25.png and after that on Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_08.05.07.png to finally configure the modifier. If you have added the modifier for individual display duration to a widget, a corresponding note appears below the widget.


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