Navigate workflow

You can view the workflow by scrolling horizontally and vertically. Alternatively, you can hold down the space bar and drag through the workflow with your mouse. At the top left of the workflow builder you will find an action bar. This contains the following four functions or shortcuts:

  1. Align automatically
  2. Variables
  3. Templates
  4. Delete workstep links
  5. Navigator
  6. Trigger


In the following, these and other navigation options in the workflow are explained.

Bildschirmfoto_2021-07-06_um_15.24.27.png Align workflow automatically

If you have the feeling that your workflow has become too confusing with the many branches and conditions, you can have it automatically ordered with a short click on the Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-25_um_15.03.45.pngauto-align icon on the left edge of the window.

Bildschirmfoto_2021-07-06_um_15.28.11.png Variables

This opens an overview of the variables in the workflow. You can also create user-defined variables directly in the overview. You can find more information about variables in the workflow here.
Variables can be added in all possible input fields and then be edited.



In the Templates Toolbar you can create email drafts. The Text Editor under Templates lets you add tables in HTML mode.

The HTML, SQL and JSON modes have syntax highlighting and a "Beautify" button that directly corrects and beautifies the syntax.

In addition, templates can be directly inserted in input fields and then edited with one click.


Bildschirmfoto_2021-07-06_um_15.43.35.png Delete workstep links

If you select this icon, all links between worksteps that you can delete will be displayed with the Bildschirmfoto_2021-07-06_um_15.45.06.pngicon. With a click on it you can disconnect a link. You can find more about branches in the workflow here.

Bildschirmfoto_2021-07-06_um_15.39.45.png Navigator

In the lower right window you will also find the so-called «Navigator». By dragging the blue square over the navigator, you can select the area you want to view. By clicking on the respective magnifying glasses you can enlarge or reduce the view. By clicking on the Bildschirmfoto_2021-04-27_um_15.33.14.pngicon you can return to the original size of the view. You can move the position of the navigator itself by dragging it to the desired position with a click. However, when a workflow is opened for the first time, it always appears at the bottom right by default.


Bildschirmfoto_2021-03-11_um_13.38.12.png Fast workflow switching

Clicking on the Bildschirmfoto_2021-03-11_um_13.38.12.pngicon at the bottom left of the screen opens a bar on the left side with all your other workflows. This allows you to jump back and forth between workflows at any time and edit them more efficiently.


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