Link stories to each other

A dialogue is made up of different stories. Stories can be linked to each other for this purpose. This makes sense if a content appears several times in the dialog or if there is a multiple selection of topics that are offered to the user.


Story Link

This is a custom widget that gives a pre-selection of various published and unpublished stories. Read more about it and the step by step instructions in the Story link widget article. 


Go-to target

This widget is used in combination with the Story link widget. The Go-to target widget can be inserted at a location in a story, which can then be linked to by using the Story Link Widget. The difference to the Story link widget is that it links to stories, while the Go-to target widget links to anywhere in a story. Read more about how to use the Go-to target widget here.


Text Link

In addition to links to external pages (e.g. websites), you can also insert links to other Stories or Go-to targets in the Text widget. This makes sense, for example, if you want to give the user a choice of different offers or further information, which in turn are located in the chatbot dialog.

To add such a text link, open the text element in edit mode and select the text link icon at the very top right. An edit mask will then open.


Text Link to a Story

To link to another Story in the text, the desired story must first be created. The target story can then be selected using a search function. In addition to selecting the story, the so-called text link must also be created, i.e. the place in the text that then forms the effective link. In the example, a link is created to an offer (Offer 1), for which a story was created in advance.



Text Link to a Go-to target

To link to a Go-to target in the text, it must first be created in the desired story. A search function can then be used to select the target story in which the Go-To Target is located. If a story with a Go-to target is selected, the associated Go-to targets appear. In this case, the Go-to target for «Offer 2» was entered from the «Account opening» story.



For both options the check mark in the upper right corner must be selected and the adjustment must be saved in the text element. If the links are saved in this way, they will be displayed as underlined texts in the bot's dialogue. We recommend to indicate in the text that you should click on the following texts or to clarify the action with an emoji (such as an index finger).




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