Workflow Builder

Once you have created or opened a workflow, you can build the entire flow of tasks with the corresponding plugins in the workflow builder.

When building a workflow, you can first drag and drop the plugins to the desired location in order to link them directly to a previous task.

To do this, move the selected plug-in to the task to which you want to attach it to. The task will turn dark blue and you can click with the mouse on the plus sign to add it.



Note: To disconnect a connection you can select the connection and click on the red trash can.

You can also put the plugin into the workflow unconnected. However, by not connecting it to other tasks, the plugin will not be executed.


Likewise, you can choose to insert the plugin before or after a task.


We can also perform condition before executions of a workflow.


Note: You can connect two unrelated tasks by pressing the <Shift> key and selecting the task.
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