Customize your chatbot appearance with the styler

You can individually design the name, colors, and avatar of your chatbot, according to your wishes. To do so, you have to go to Bildschirmfoto_2020-08-26_um_17.44.15.png → Bildschirmfoto_2020-08-20_um_11.15.08.png and scroll down. There you can make your changes and immediately see what your chatbot will look like.

You can customize the following elements of your chatbot:

  • Chatbot name and the corresponding text color
  • Background and text color as well as the shape of chatbot and user speech bubbles
  • Bubble-Style
  • Background color, image or GIF
  • Avatar image or GIF
  • Logo image or GIF
  • Hide chatbot header
  • Chatbot positioning on the website



If you want to use an image for your background, you have the option under «Background form» to display itBildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_11.45.18.pngmatching, Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_11.45.38.png expanded or Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_11.46.06.png tiled.


Keep in mind that you can also use your chatbot in fullscreen mode. In this case, the background will be used as well. By enlarging the chatbot window with the button zoom.jpg you can view the whole background in fullscreen mode.

You can reset the appearance of your chatbot to the aiaibot default setting at any time. Wählen Sie dazu die Option «Design zurücksetzen» und bestätigen Sie den Reset. If you are satisfied with your changes, save them by clicking on Bildschirmfoto_2021-05-03_um_11.48.24.png.

Fullscreen mode background

If you want to use the full screen mode, in this section you have the choice to set backgrounds and define them more precisely. You can set images or colors. Images you can define more precisely afterwards the shape (matching, expanding and tiling). Backgroundnochat.pngBackgroundfull.pngBackground.png

Additionally, you can set the background opacity or transparency.

To allow your users a fullmode display you can set this in the trigger settings.

For a chatbot avatar, you can use a picture or a GIF. When making your selection, keep in mind that the avatar will have a circular shape. The image size should be at least 128x128 pixels to a maximum of 1024x1024 pixels.
The height of the logo should also be at least 128 pixels. The width will be adjusted automatically.

Positioning of the chatbot on the bottom left of the website

You can easily specify whether the chatbot is displayed at the bottom left of the website by checking <Position chatbot on left>.

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